How to distinguish between a good guy and a bad one?

The distinction between a good guy and a bad one is as difficult as sorting the wheat from the chaff.

Azhar Ghumro
3 min readOct 10, 2021

It is very difficult to say who is a good guy and who is a bad one. The distinction becomes even harder when a bad guy disguises himself as a good guy. In the following quote, Mary Alice describes this dilemma well.

It’s not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. Sinners can surprise you. And the same is true for saints. Why do we try to define people as simply good or simply evil? Because no one wants to admit that compassion and cruelty can live side by side in one heart. And that anyone is capable of anything. — Mary Alice

Even though it isn’t an easy task to distinguish good guys from bad ones, I will provide you with a simplified checklist that will help assist you in this task. This checklist was developed by Hazrat Ali — one of the greatest minds ever to live on earth.

But before this let us define the characteristics of good guys and bad ones. The good guys are always considerate of others’ feelings and thoughts. They try their level best that their words and actions do not hurt others. Their character, honesty, sincerity, maturity, patience, and good manners make them stand out from the crowd. Likewise, the bad guys lack most of these attributes as well.

  1. If you want to know the character of people, give them the freedom to do whatever they wish. A gentleman or gentlewoman will not overstep his or her limits. Those who are crooks, however, will show their true colours.
  2. When you want to check the intention and honesty of people, give them a loan. If they are honest, they will pay back their loans. But if their intentions are bad and they are dishonest, they will not pay back their loans. Even, they would sever their relationship with you.
  3. If you want to see the sincerity of people, seek their advice. If they are sincere to you they will give you good advice. But if they are insincere and have malice, they will give you bad advice.
  4. If you want to test the patience of people, criticize them or their actions. If they are patient, they will listen to it and tolerate due or undue criticism. But if they are intolerant, they will react and make a counterattack.
  5. If you want to check the maturity of people, give them respect. Those who are mature will reciprocate in the same way. But immature and devious ones will take it for granted. Whenever they have an opportunity they will harm you. They are fond of attacking their benefactors.
  6. If you want to determine how well-mannered people are, dine with them. If they are well mannered, they will try to ensure that the best piece of meat or food is well within your reach. But if they are greedy and ill-mannered they will start gulping the best pieces of the meal before you could lay your hand on it.

This assessment test will not only help you protect yourself from the evil of bad guys but will also eliminate the chances of your ill-treatment of a good guy.



Azhar Ghumro

I am a proofreader and blog writer, with more than 2 years of job-related experience while working as a freelance. Previously, I have written various proposals