I Wish I Knew These Eight Things About Myself Earlier

Azhar Ghumro
5 min readOct 10, 2021

Each human being is unique and has a unique personality. For humans, living a fulfilling life is impossible without understanding their own personalities. Still many of us waste much of our time gossiping about others’ private affairs. We rarely think about ourselves; who we are, what we want, and how we can achieve it?

Living without knowing our own personalities is like driving a car without learning how to drive it. If we keep living without knowing ourselves, we won’t get where we want to go — a fulfilling life.

Some of you may already be aware that knowing yourself help you become more productive and successful in life. Yet, many of you would be wondering how to know oneself.

Let me assure you that I am going to simplify this daunting task. By the end of this article all of you will be able to identify yourself just by asking yourself these 8 questions.

1. What makes me happy?

The cause of happiness differs from person to person, and from time to time. This could be anything: money, fame, career, or the company of a particular person (s).

A great way to figure it out is to find out what makes you happy. For example, when was the last time you were truly happy? Perhaps when you were in a new relationship and felt pumped, when you had finished college, or when you were walking the spiritual path and felt a connection to God.

Similarly, ask yourself what you would like to do for a living or what profession might make you happy. Many of you dream of becoming a scientist, banker, judge, or lawyer. There are also many of you who want to travel the world. Whatever it is find it out. It might even be a mix of things. But whatever makes us happy, you should know it.

Identifying what brings you happiness can help you strive for that. Remember, there are some things that make you happy for a little while; and other things that make you happy forever. You should always choose things that make you happy for the rest of your life.

2. What are my values?

What is important to you. What are fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate your attitudes or actions? In fact, you should focus on things which you identified in section 1. The things that make you happy.

Values hold you firmly in place and keep you stable. As a guiding force, they provide a roadmap to follow. Make your decisions and act on them only on the basis of what makes you feel, not what others think.

3. How do I cope with my stress?

Stress is nature’s way of making you rethink and realign yourself and your actions to the purpose of your life. So do not panic when stress occurs. Instead, reflect upon your priorities and realign them with your life’s purpose.

Humans resist change. Particularly, the change that is not aligned with their wants or needs, and is imposed upon them. As such, these changes can cause you a lot of stress. However, such stress can be a blessing in disguise. Stress makes you think deeply. Who you are, what do you want, and how can you get it? It provides you with an opportunity to explore yourself; your purpose in life and realign your actions to it.

Managing stress will help you measure the distance between your success and your goal. Knowing how close or far you are from your goal post will motivate you to work hard and reach it. It wouldn’t make a difference how small or great your goal is or how easy or difficult it is for you to reach you there.

4. Do you love yourself?

When you identify what makes you happy and what your core values are, you will try hard to achieve them. It will take both physical strength and spiritual drive for you to reach your goals. As a result, you would love yourselves and take good care of your physical needs and spiritual growth.

If you falsely identify the things that make you happy for the time being or follow what society suggests, you will not feel content. You’ll lose your sense of self-worth and self-love. When a situation like no self-worth or no self-love arises, stop where you are. Take a moment to reflect and determine what makes you happy and what your core values are.

5. What is My Personality Type?

All humans are unique by nature. Based on our limitations, let’s divide humans into two broad categories: introverts and extroverts? Some activities, careers, and businesses are only ideal for extroverts. Likewise, some jobs, businesses, and activities are better suited to introverts.

Knowledge of your personality type can help you pick a career and activity that matches your strengths and weaknesses.

6. What are my strengths?

Human beings are all unique, so God has given each of us a specific set of strengths. Some people are physically strong, while others are intellectually strong. According to Donald Clinton’s study, human strengths are categorized into 34 categories.

Please visit the StrengthFinder.com website and find out your strength. Once you are aware of your strength, you can choose a career, a business, and activities that are right for you.

7. What are my weaknesses?

Finding your weaknesses can be challenging, because thinking about them makes you feel vulnerable. It takes courage to reflect on oneself and figure out one’s weaknesses. Identify your weak spots by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What difficult situations were you unable to resolve?
  • What skills do you need to improve that others tell you to work on?
  • What are your past failures?
  • What tasks, activities, or work are hard for you?

Write out the answers to these questions and review them. Identify the reasons and skills you lacked to overcome a difficult situation. List them as your weaknesses.

You can overcome certain weaknesses by learning more about that particular field. You can also compensate for some weaknesses by leveraging your strengths. However, identifying your weaknesses is crucial to this process.

8. Who are my role models?

Having role models is important because they serve as benchmarks. Every successful person and high achiever had a role model. They were mostly inspired by their role models and a few even exceeded them in their success.

Who he does not have a role model to follow is the devil’s follower.

To grow, we must be self-aware. Getting to know you will help you grow professionally and spiritually.


Without knowing yourself you can’t achieve excellence in your lives. Knowing your personality, values, strengths and weaknesses is the first step toward leading a happy and purposeful life.



Azhar Ghumro

I am a proofreader and blog writer, with more than 2 years of job-related experience while working as a freelance. Previously, I have written various proposals